Embeddable Calendar

Embeddable Calendar

Embed a Calendar on your website to display events & keep visitors informed. Add CalGet's customisable calendar to your website to easily display events and keep your audience up-to-date.

Google Google
Apple Apple
Office365 Office365
Outlook Outlook
Yahoo Yahoo
CalGet Calendar Interface
Easy Setup

Simple Integration Process

Get your calendar up and running in minutes. Compatible with all leading platforms including Google, Apple, Office 365, Outlook, and Yahoo.

Create Calendar

Start by creating your unique calendar on CalGet

Customize The Look

Make it yours with custom colors and branding

Embed & Go Live

Simply copy the code and paste it into your website

Frequently Asked Questions.

Embed this calendar anywhere on your website, including popular CMS platforms like WordPress, Wix, Squarespace, Shopify, and Joomla.

Embed this calendar anywhere on your website, including popular CMS platforms like WordPress, Wix, Squarespace, Shopify, and Joomla.

Visitors can browse both upcoming and past events. They can subscribe to the calendar using their preferred platform and toggle between different views, such as weekly or monthly displays.